Thursday, April 19, 2012

3rd Grade

   Students did a multi layered project that incorporated drawing, inking, painting, and collage work. Students based their work on artist Michel Keck, and her dog portrait series. Students sketched images of a dog or cat while learning about new lines to use like cross hatching. Students were encouraged to think outside the box and have fun with this project. I wanted the students to focus more on each process then the final product. By letting the students make their own decisions and figure out how to use materials in their own way. I found the products came out very successful.

2nd Grade


Students explored the ancient technique of a resist method called Batik. Students learned about the history of batik making and the techniques of using hot wax and then dying the fabric. We modified the lesson by using Elmers glue and watered down acrylic paint. Students made their own first then worked together to make a collaborative batik. Students choose the theme of Jungle and Space.

Mister Seahorse
    In this lesson first we read the story Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle and then talked about his art process and some background information about him. Learning that Eric Carle paints his own paper and then uses a collage technique to create his stylized images. Students painted their own paper and use different techniques like blotting with a plastic bag, and using oil pastel with water paint to create a resist. Then the cut and pasted to make their collage image of a seahorse in the style of Eric Carle.

1st Grade

First Grade
 Students learned about the famous artist Andy Warhol and discussed what they noticed in his art work. We talked about the color, line, and shapes in his work. This let the students understand printmaking and visual see what their task will be. Students got to explore a new way of mark making with the styrofoam and how simple lines and shapes can transform into a whole new way of making art. 
    It took a few times teaching this lesson to get the students printing smoothly and successfully with the limited materials we had. I started with the lighter paint first and just added the darker paint on top to mix the colors and not waste materials. Students also had to share rollers but by stressing how important pressing down is students counted and pressed while waiting making the prints more successful.



Students collected materials and researched artist Andy Goldsworthy work. Students got to use their building and critical thinking skills. They couldn't use any other materials then the ones they collected and then took pictures of the final projects.


Students learned about Japanese fish printing made their own prints and then continued to learn about the underwater sea world. They designed their own collaborative sea scape and then placed their fish prints in the scene

Students got to explore with clay and different techniques used to make objects like, rolling and pinching. Students then designed their own monster using these techniques